Week 10: Mechanical Design and Machine Design

The assignment:

This week is only a group assignemt: Design a machine that includes mechanism+actuation+automation+application Build the mechanical parts and operate it manually.

LINK to the group assignment

I came into the group when it was already decided to make a “Pottery wheel”. I didnt know much about it, but made some research to get a hold of the idea of a pottery wheels. Some of the ideas looked like this:

Image 1 Image 2 Image 2
In the initial phase we made some sketches that we disgussed in the group


and we mad a plan for how we could approach the week.

I consider the way we worked as team-work and our approach was trial and error - meaning we had some initial ideas and started building quite early, changed things, tested, new ideas, building etc….

Along with the testing and building we kept track of the components we used:

For the baseframe we ended up using 14mm plywood with these imensions: width: 430mm, depth: 400, Height: 200mm


Threated metal shaft for the wheelhead had a diameter of 9,85 mm


For the main wheelhead on top of the shaft to place the bat on we used 5,4 mm Acrylic and cut 2 circles held together with screws.


Circle 1. Diameter: 252 mm and Circle 2. Diameter: 134mm

For a motor we used a 24 volt 350W output. Normally used for electric scooter or bike motor. This motor is capable of rotation in either the clockwise or counter clockwise direction by just reversing the battery polarity to the motor and can be speed controlled.


See the datasheet of the motor here:

Datasheet Motor

For bearings we used 2 bearings for rotation (one in top base on in the bottom of the shaft): 6200 – 2RS.

See the datasheet of the bearings here:

Datasheet Bearings

And 4 bearings with 3D printed holder to keep the wheelplate in level. See the datasheet of the bearings here:

Datasheet Bearings


the file for the bearing holder

For the powersupply we used: LRS-100-24.

See the datasheet of the powersupply here:

Datasheet Powersupply


We also tested a potentiometer as speed controller: B100K See the datasheet of the potentiometer is here:



The video for presenting the process was made with Camtasia software and the storyboard was supposed to show the process: 1. Ideas 2. Inspiration 3.design 4 building, making and testing 5. The different prototypes and a last the working prototype

See the video here: